Nothing is permanent

 Don't worry nothing is permanent.

Everyone is worried about the future, what will happen tomorrow?
Will this situation always last? Will this crisis never end?
Little Ravi who is a student of class 2nd,could not understand what is happening in the world?
With his little mind and small intellect he was just guessing what was happening.

There was an uproar of coronaviruses everywhere, both inside and outside the house.
All the time only news of coronavirus was broadcast on news channels,
Mammy Papa also used to talk only about coronaviruses while talking to grandparents on the phone .
He had not been out of the house for months. He tries to see the outside world from inside .
Now the window and balcony of his room were the playground for him.
Ravi used to miss school days a lot. The playground, the lunch break, the food sharing with friends, the teacher's love and the teacher's scolding
 He was missing everything very much
He learned all the ways to avoid coronavirus.
Now he wanted to go to school,but the school is still closed and he don't know when it will open?
Days were passing in this way and then online classes started!
Ravi enjoys online classes a lot,every day Ravi used to listen to the sweet voice of Usha Madam and he would jump with joy.
He studied very diligently and complete his homework with great sincerity,and when Madam praised him, he would keep repeating the words of that compliment in his mind all day.
One day he became very depressed. In that sadness he asked Madam, Madam how long will this coronavirus stay with us?
Madame smiles after listening to him and said "Always remember one thing dear Ravi. Nothing is  permanent & forever. "
This pandemic will also go away soon and we will be able to live a normal life again.
Just do not let the courage break and adopt all security measures.
From that day onwards, a flame of hope burned in Ravi's mind and heart.
Now ravi would repeat the same sentence 10 times a day, telling his parents also
 Don't worry nothing is parmanent.

Mrs Hakuna-Matata
